"This Is Me... Now"

A culmination of her personal love-life experiences, big picture visualizations; using her music to tell a story and her decades of dance exploration expressing it all physically. Surrounded by a cast of up and coming actors, skilled dancers and killer cameo’s. I’m honestly…totally obsessed with this.

What A Vision.

I remember making my first vision board when I was living in a small flat in London, 2013. Cutting out magazine pictures and words, then gluing them to the piece of cardboard that came in a large wall picture frame. After putting it altogether, I hot-glue-gunned handles onto the sides and turned into a little serving tray that I would carry my morning coffee on every morning.

Giving Satan A Lap Dance

When Lil Nas X began giving Satan a lap dance. I mean — this is one of the best bits in a music video I might have ever seen…. I didn’t realize how long I’d been waiting for someone to film a scene like this. Because… Haven’t we all given Satan a lap dance at some point in our lives? This moment in our history where we danced with the devil? Played with fire?

Global Recycling Day!

Happy Recycling Day Hussies! I’ve included as many links as I can to encourage browsing, further learning and hopefully — action! Leave a comment and share what challenge you have accepted. How do you want to help our gorgeous mother Gaea?

A Quarantine Staycation.

Amidst a long winded quarantine in Eastern Canada, I decided to take a little vacation. To the backyard. In a tent trailer. A staycation, if you will. If we must stay at home, let’s live large at home. With luncheons, stories, and morning “brew”.

Joie De Vivre I

Enthusiastically I’m clicking through the shots — until I come across one that kind of screeches me to a halt. The inner-insecure model in me is slightly horrified. I’m looking at a photo where my bum is facing the camera as I’m turned towards the ocean, frolicking in the waves. But my bum is not perky. I have a double butt.


Cuties has stirred up loads of controversy. To me, this film is an extremely important art piece. Most of the emotions that surfaced for me while watching are eerily similar to what prompted me to write Dear Daughter last month. I don’t want to be repetitive, so I’ll crack open a tiny Pandoras box from another perspective…

Profile No. 9: Stacey

“Success in being an artist — is being unique. If everyone is the same it gets boring. I’ve always strived to have my own signature style. My favorite compliment is when someone says they’d recognize my art as a WELLS, even without the signature.”