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Freelancer Finance: with Leanna Haakons

Freelancer Finance: with Leanna Haakons

Based out of NYC, fellow Canadian, Leanna Haakons is the founder of successful financial firm, Black Hawk Financial. You might recognize her having been interviewed by numerous media outlets, including CNBC, ABC and Bloomberg, in addition to her own youtube channel. As a financial literacy author, her book on Amazon has received rave reviews and killer sales since its release in 2017. Young, Fun & Financially Free is without a doubt worth every purchasing penny, providing the tools and knowledge you need to learn how to live the good life now and build a kick ass future! That is the very appropriate slogan.

Leanna and I met in London circa 2012 and she has since made herself a household name. Her intelligence, big picture thinking, risk taking attitude and enthusiasm has made her a sought after financial consultant. She’s incredibly approachable, radiant and a wonderfully good person; you can’t not adore her!

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Over the summer I kept feeling an urge to interview a woman in finance and discuss financial planning for artists or creative entrepreneurs. A subject that I have consistently struggled with — but was seriously diving into after having my thirty-year-old-birthday freak out in July. (What have I done?! What am I doing?! You get the idea…) So I reached out to Leanna — from one Canadian to another — very politely asking her if she would be so kind as to discuss this topic with me in a recorded interview. I had purchased her book and was diligently completing my digital homework as assigned at the end of every chapter. When she responded with a heartfelt YES — I was psyched!

We discuss budgeting and planning, where your money really plays big to win, and implementing necessary mindset shifts to make our next step towards financial freedom. Investing vs. savings, paying off credit card bills, and I openly share my naivety and fear from my own experiences! No shame — mistakes will hopefully be someone else’s lesson!

So turn up the volume as you’re drinking coffee or cooking dinner. Take notes! Refer to the links below as discussed in the interview. I promise that everyone will get a solid piece of advice from this and a nudge of encouragement.

Follow Leanna on IG here!

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30 Second Financial Persona Quiz — Take the test!

The Wealthy Mindset — Website that Leanna is the editor in chief.

Purchase Young, Fun & Financially Free on Amazon. All proceeds are donated to the WE Foundation. On top of the book; there is a code that gives you access to an online data base of work sheets and budget tools.

Desert Rose

Desert Rose

To Feel or Not To Feel

To Feel or Not To Feel