All in Community

What A Vision.

I remember making my first vision board when I was living in a small flat in London, 2013. Cutting out magazine pictures and words, then gluing them to the piece of cardboard that came in a large wall picture frame. After putting it altogether, I hot-glue-gunned handles onto the sides and turned into a little serving tray that I would carry my morning coffee on every morning.

Global Recycling Day!

Happy Recycling Day Hussies! I’ve included as many links as I can to encourage browsing, further learning and hopefully — action! Leave a comment and share what challenge you have accepted. How do you want to help our gorgeous mother Gaea?

Scheherazoom! An Invitation.

A model that uses participatory theatre and artistic practices to empower displaced populations to overcome the trauma of enforced migration, and both benefit from, and contribute to, their host communities. I've witnessed that through using forms of theatre (including dance, music, poetry), as a tool to explore global issues, mental health and more, we start to heal. 

Letter From The Editor...

In this world that needs art so desperately, as it is at the epicenter of what unites all people despite gender, race, class and stereotype across the world, it is a necessity that opportunities are created in order to nurture the next generation of innovators.