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Horoscope Hour with Santi: LEO

Horoscope Hour with Santi: LEO

This is a Leo astrological reading and can apply to any Leo placements in your birth chart: This applies to the sun sign (which means your birth date falls into Leo), your rising sign, or moon sign. Sun Sign is your core self, Rising Sign is your public persona, and a Leo Moon it’s more how you deal with emotions, personal thoughts and love.

Leo Season Message July 23rd - August 22nd

For this month I pulled the tarot card… “The Healer” also known as The Page of Mirrors.

This image has a young woman on her knees in long grass. She is contemplative as she holds on to a bouquet of natural herbs and is kneeling in front of a beehive as bees buzz around her. It’s very leo-esque in a sense as she has a long mane of ginger hair wearing a decorative head dress; she stands out.

This card symbolizes self reflection. This is a very introspective card. It inspires you to look inward. This also sends the message that you are your own support system. It’s encouraging you to look at your experiences, recognizing negative ones and how you can turn them into something prosperous. Take the beehive and turn it into honey. Externally, it’s a hard hive but inside there’s this sweet honey. Not all is lost.

Figure out your priorities, what you want - especially coming out of quarantine. This is an opportunity to look inward. Did you just come out of a break up? Are you looking for a career change?

Although this may seem “vague” to some, it’s important to remember the context of a Leo; traditionally they are very extroverted.

The Leo has to look to introspection, they must have the will to forgo their popularity and think about ways to branch out and re-root, maybe in ways they would have never looked at before.

Leo’s are the fixed sign out of all the fire signs. Fire signs are generally go-getters, confident, adventurous, open to change. Fire Signs are Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. Leos are fixed; they are all of the above, but once they have an image in their head, they find it hard to stray from that and find it unsettling to re-root.

The Main Message: Branch out, look for inspiration in places you normally wouldn’t. Explore yourself through other avenues - like reading or creative projects - things that require “you” time.

Leo Personality Traits

Leos are very passionate, very strong willed and have a heart of gold. Once you prove you are devoted to them, they are with you to the end.

The main “things” that get in the way of being such a strong willed sign - is the blinders tend to go up. They are susceptible to only focusing on themselves which verges on being self absorbed and deters them from seeing what’s around them.

They’re a very dominant sign! Leos have the tendency to be relentless in their pursuits. I want to mention these traits because in post-quarantine times Leos have a lot of pent up energy. They want to unleash their fire-y vibes all over the place.

So the message here is to watch where you are shooting your flames!

For those who fall close to the Cancer cusp - this might not be the case for you. You are probably having a bit more of a tough time adjusting to the change and are more emotionally driven due to sensitivity. So focus on creating a safe space for yourself and stable foundations. Setting up the nest! Progress can be made at home in your space.


Best matches are Aquarius and Gemini. Generally Air signs are good - as air fuels the fire - Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Fire and Fire also works well as they can result in a ‘Power Couple’. There is a tendency to have a power struggle between fire signs though…

So watch for air signs! Air signs are independent and creative and “outside the box” thinkers which challenges Leos to get out of their comfort zones. Also Leos love a debate - and Air signs engage in that intellectual stimulation for Leos.

Especially in PQ* post quarantine times, I’d advise to stay away from water and earth signs. Earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - don’t like change, they’re really excited to get back to their routine PQ! Water signs - Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio - are more flexible but they have a heightened sensitivity and emotional state with a slight question of self. Leos can support that, but it isn’t the right time to engage with water sign energy during this self development.

Career Prospects

This is a good time for Leos! This is the perfect opportunity for a Leo to create and make something new!

Youth Worker, Advocacy and Creative Industries are what resonate with Leos. Although it is difficult to navigate during PQ; look at avenues less travelled and what you have access to. What can you make out of it? Utilizing the virtual world. This builds on social connections!

To sum up all of this up, the main messages for the month would be:

  • To not steam roll through this month, but take a step back.

  • Being open to re-rooting, changing what your future vision looks like and having faith in that.

  • Most importantly: Taking the blinders off and looking at the big picture. Which is a challenge! Look at the community and not the competition. This is very important for Leos, especially this year.

Santi is the founder of G(END)ER SWAP; an LGBTIQ+ clothing outreach organization based in the UK that supports trans, non binary and gender non conforming individuals to access clothes and community through bespoke workshops, pop ups and exhibitions.

Portraits & Dreams

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