
Welcome to Hussey Notes. Here is how to navigate our site…

All things written can be found in “Editorials”. This includes articles about experiences in relationships, career and daily life as well as poems and stories. All types of pretty pictures in “Photography” and then a combo of “Film & Music”. Interviews are “Profiles”, check “Community” for announcements and “Calendar” of events. “Art” showcases collections by emerging and established artists.

What A Vision.

What A Vision.

I remember making my first vision board when I was living in a small flat in London, 2013. Cutting out magazine pictures and words, then gluing them to the piece of cardboard that came in a large wall picture frame. After putting it altogether, I hot-glue-gunned handles onto the sides and turned into a little serving tray that I would carry my morning coffee on every morning. There were clippings of fashion editorials, words of positivity and “dreaming”, Coco Rocha and Lady Gaga, the Eiffel Tower and old fashion film cameras… Now… I don’t know if any of this really came true. But – the time I took to sit down, put on Lana Del Rey and let my mind open up while turning the glossy pages of a magazine to find what inspired me to sit a up a bit straighter became a ritual. (The LDR album switched every year though.)

Ten years later, this ritual remains, but using Pinterest and Canva to create wallpaper for my iPhone or desktop screen savers. 

This little write up isn’t about the science or evidence behind visions boards or law of attraction. But simply to encourage the ritual behind making one. 

For most people, finding time to yourself is a challenge. We live in a world with so much distraction, demand and competition of being “busy”. We lose track of dreams we’ve had or ideas that have sprung to us as we start to fall asleep or jolts of purposeful inspiration as we walk down the street. They arrive to us so suddenly then seep away as we are pulled back into the distraction.

So if you’re looking for a little boost, or a sign – pencil in some time for yourself! Post your board and tag me – I’d love to see it <3

"This Is Me... Now"

"This Is Me... Now"

Giving Satan A Lap Dance

Giving Satan A Lap Dance