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Giving Satan A Lap Dance

Giving Satan A Lap Dance

When Lil Nas X began giving Satan a lap dance. I mean — this is one of the best bits in a music video I might have ever seen…. Wow — I didn’t realize how long I’d been waiting for someone to film a scene like this. Because… Haven’t we all given Satan a lap dance at some point in our lives? This moment in our history where we danced with the devil? Played with fire?

Honestly, the video in its entirety is pretty mundane in my opinion. Based on the “outrage” via this incredibly reliable news source we call Twitter, I was expecting much worse. Maybe it’s because I spent my twenties as a club kid in the gay clubs and as an artist deep diving into provocative, momentous art in history. But watching Lil Nas X pole dance his way to Hell was more refreshing and artistic to watch than it was uncomfortable.

If you haven’t watched this video yet — DO IT NOW! Here.

Welcome Back. Let’s talk about it.

The lyrics recount an interaction he had with another guy; the initial stage of flirtation which leads to a sexual relationship. Just like every other song that is inspired by love and sex. Only this time he is unapologetically recounting his romance with another man. Which is fantastic. Because RuPaul cannot be the only one that releases songs about same sex love. (Alexa play “Just a little in & out” by RuPaul)

The sub-title of this song, “Call me by your name” is an homage to the 2017 movie. Lil Nas X says that it was the first (!!!!!!) gay movie he saw where the love was depicted honestly, and it affected him so deeply.

He is also quoted saying, “I wanted to normalize lyrics of gay and queer relationships. All the other songs talk about f*cking a girl or a guy — but I want to sing the same thing. I want this to open doors for more artists to do this.”

He’s bang on. And honestly — if you listen to the song itself — I couldn’t even hear anything explicitly graphic! PG-13 compared to what we’re used to.

Now, it goes without saying a lot of people are very offended with the video of this beautiful young black man in thigh high patent leather boots and tight boxers giving a (very impressive) lap dance to a muscular Satan who appears to be enjoying it. I can understand the anger that rises for those people. It never feels good to have something you 100% whole heartedly believe in be “mocked” or used as a metaphor or analogy. But also…

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And you know… He has a point there. If you believe that a gay, queer, bi or trans person is undeserving of accurate medical treatment, rights or to be allowed “into heaven”… Then let us live our lives to their fullest, most creative, most LOVING and INCLUSIVE ways before we pole dance our way down to the depths where liquid hot magma stirs.

I just had this vision of spewing back into the world as lava through a volcano - super dramatic like “We’re baaaaack!”

Lil Nas X writing a fantastic song to normalize and include people who identify with anything other than “straight” is exactly what we need as a society. Homophobia is an issue. And brave young artists like LNX are the ones who step forward to stop it. To show the next generation that there is power in being true to your sexuality.

Do you know whats not healthy to see as a child? Mass shootings. Which America has had two of in the last two weeks. You want to talk about what is actually destroying society? Racially charged attacks and the failure of this government to abolish systemic racism and take control over the guns that riddle this country with unnecessary death.

According to multiple reliable data bases: America is listed at #10 for most deaths by a gun per 100,000 citizens in the world, and #19 for most homicides per 100,000 citizens in the world. There are 197 countries in the world. Just to reiterate… Out of 197 countries, USA falls into #10 for most deaths by a gun.

So instead of spending all of this time targeting a young artist with a powerful voice and the platform to inject a desperately needed influence into todays culture — let’s dive into videos with actual offensive imagery. Like… Elderly Asian women being attacked in the streets of Oakland. The policemen taping off legally run spas in Georgia with dead bodies dripping inside. Over 100 Myanmar civilians being slaughtered last weekend. Children and adults escaping a grocery store after witnessing their peers being murdered in cold blood. Mums and Dads waving a last goodbye to their children through the hospital window as they die from Covid-19. Women marching the streets demanding change and protection as Femicide riddles their communities.

But I guess it’s a really great way to avert speculation, isn’t it? What — gun policies? Quick look over there! Satan’s getting a lap dance! Phew… Now let’s see how long we can keep the attention there…

Jokes on you people. You keep directing eyes to Call Me By Your Name. Put money in that mans pocket so he can make another one — Puh-leeeeez!

What A Vision.

What A Vision.

Global Recycling Day!

Global Recycling Day!