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Horoscope Hour with Santi: VIRGO

Horoscope Hour with Santi: VIRGO

This is a Virgo astrological reading and can apply to all three Virgo placements in your birth chart:

Sun Sign: When your birth date falls into Virgo.

Rising Sign: Your public persona, how people see you.

Moon Sign: How you deal with emotions, your private self.

Virgo Season: August 22nd to September 22nd

Personality Traits:  

Virgos are generally known to be hard working, practical, very patient, extremely analytical and intelligent.  They are deep thinkers and detail oriented.  Particular, meticulous and methodical, with a system always in place.  Everything has an approach and a specific “way” of doing it.  This borders on some of the cons for Virgos: Perfectionism which leads to a need for control.  They do have a dark side; prone to over worrying because they are always over thinking and can get anxious.  They’re not great at communicating their feelings but they are sensitive - so they tend to internalize their emotions a lot.  Out of the three Earth signs, Virgos tend to be more self depreciating.  They are very hard on themselves and have self esteem issues which get bottled up inside.

Career Prospects:

Stereotypically Virgos enjoy consistency and routine, but they are creative and analytical so can be drawn to more intense jobs.  They are also caring and “humanitarian” in a sense.  Careers that combine analytics and an element of personal care: Doctor, Nurse, Researcher, Veterinarian.  Administration, or other jobs where they have a position of control and systems they can follow or create.  


I don’t see this upcoming season being a very romantic time for Virgos.  Virgos are very preoccupied with their development of security.  Covid in general has been distressing for everyone - but more so for Virgos because they rely on a sense of routine.  

For Virgos in a romantic engagement or heading that way, as an Earth Sign you pair best with Water Signs.  This is because you both have a grounded sense of self and needs, something stable.  They are both nurturing elements.  My suggestion is definitely to get involved with a Water Sign or even another Earth Sign such as a Taurus.  Earth and Water Signs want to build a “home”.  Air and Fire Signs are more like, “Career!  Myself! 10,000 business ideas!” Earth Signs are more practical lovers and internal with their emotions.  Water Signs are very open with their emotions to help bring that out of Earth Signs.  Coming out of lockdown, this pairing is best for both.

The tarot card I pulled was:  The Two of Scrolls


After going through all things Virgo and connecting to the main message for this season I take my time to pull the tarot card. This tarot pull confirmed exactly my main message for this month.  Which was weird - because the way my deck was spread out - this card slipped out to the far right, out of the corner of my eye.  When I saw it at the last second - I grabbed it!

The keyword this card represents is Fantasy.  The Unicorn itself is a rare sight! A  Unicorn symbolizes immense power and contradiction.  Contradiction is interesting for Virgos because they have a lot of inner battles.  They are a grounded sign and enjoy consistency and routine, but they are also quite creative and deep thinkers.  I think Virgos are often torn between what they want to do versus what they think is the most practical thing to do.

The unicorn is on her back legs, balancing on a scroll which is unravelling.  Scrolls represent the value of intuition and clarity; the element of air and the intellect of intuition. This is a truth bearing card pointing to the clarity of thought.  Trusting your intuition and that you’ll achieve some sense of clarity is a strong symbol for Virgo. Virgos want everything rolled tightly!  So what happens when the scroll gets loose and you’re standing on two legs instead of four?  

This card tells Virgos to face the difficult choices and trust their instincts.  Maintain perspective. You can step out of your every day routine and succeed.  Also, this card delivers a strong message to avoid the tendency to overthink - which is key for Virgos.  This card tells you to take a fantastical and imaginative approach to life which will eventually lead to a practical solution.  In the midst of being creative and experimental, they will land back on their feet but in a different way than they might have thought.

We had a Full Moon on August 3rd in Leo, and now we are having a New Moon on August 19th ending Leo season - going out with a bang!  The New Moon symbolizes new energy and a fresh start.  Under the influence of the New Moon, this is a great time for Virgos to step out of their comfort zone, out of their concrete sense of routine and let go of practicality to explore their creative abilities.  Be imaginative in life and not be so worried about day to day tasks of chores and paper work — this New Moon is an opportunity to ignore that.  

Key Takeaways and Suggestions:

  • Virgos are very studious and can get focused on one subject and learn it very well.  Maybe within that practice they can explore something different and be creative with it.  Pick a new subject to dip into that you never thought about researching before.  Instead of ticking off a to-do list - challenge yourself to carry out an intuitive day where you carry out tasks you want to do versus what you think you should do.  Get up in the morning and ask yourself what do you feel you want to do today? Trust your intuition.

  •  If your Moon Sign is Virgo, pay extra attention to your need “to be perfect” and be comfortable in a routine.  It involves a bit more self determination and power to get out that.

  • Really trust your vision because you are resourceful and can come up with a plan. 

Santi is the founder of G(END)ER SWAP; an LGBTIQ+ clothing outreach organization based in the UK that supports trans, non binary and gender non conforming individuals to access clothes and community through bespoke workshops, pop ups and exhibitions. Santi offers personal birth chart readings for a recommended donation of £/$ 10, via FaceTime or Zoom! All proceeds will go to G(END)ER SWAP.

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Dancing Queen

Dancing Queen

Profile No. 8: Janet

Profile No. 8: Janet