
Welcome to Hussey Notes. Here is how to navigate our site…

All things written can be found in “Editorials”. This includes articles about experiences in relationships, career and daily life as well as poems and stories. All types of pretty pictures in “Photography” and then a combo of “Film & Music”. Interviews are “Profiles”, check “Community” for announcements and “Calendar” of events. “Art” showcases collections by emerging and established artists.

Letter From The Editor...

Letter From The Editor...

First: I want to extend a huge THANK YOU for being on this page to begin with.  Acting on your curiosity as to what Hussey Notes is about, is wildly appreciated because it means I just might be on to something…

Years ago I had this farfetched day dream of a village where creative people could live, work, create and cultivate talent, safely.  Where they could work together, explore their talent and potential, work hours on the property in exchange for housing, have space, supplies and time to focus on their personal brand and business plan.  It almost sounds like Burning Man meets the little village of Spectre in the movie Big Fish… Is it not kind of perfect?!

This day-dream stemmed from a culmination of events and the idea of life being a little simpler.  I felt I had been taken advantage of as an artist and performer since I entered the industry at eighteen.  Being offered “job opportunities” for no pay because “the exposure would benefit my career”.  (No.  That’s not a thing.  And I wrote an article about it.)  As a woman, being hired and completing a job, only to find that my pay was withheld due to very little attraction I felt towards my employer.  (Also have an article about that.)  Being a dancer and performer, 89% of my hired job required me in little clothing with equally little use of my talent and skill.  Feeling so exhausted and like a hamster on a wheel because to start a business takes time, which I never had due to my full time job to support myself and “performance opportunities”.  

I understand that the above situations are not beholden to “artists” and that they occur in many other industries.  As well as gender, males experience pressured circumstances too!   Also that you do have to pay dues to a certain extent.  But for some reason, all of this tends to be more common in the art/entertainment/creative world and for women. 

In this world that needs art so desperately, as it is at the epicenter of what unites all people despite gender, race, class and stereotype across the world, it is a necessity that opportunities are created in order to nurture the next generation of innovators.

So back to my village… Alas… T’was farfetched.  But the idea stuck.  I loved it and would add to the fantasy in my head throughout the years. Like having a little vegetable and fruit garden where we could eat what we grew as a collective community… OK I digress!

Then the idea took on a new perspective. As the entire world entered lock down, I started to engage more online and thought to myself, this is a space I could contribute to and actually make a difference!  Many of these online communities designed for artists and creatives don’t provide revenue for those who are contributing.  (I’m not saying this doesn’t exist, I just haven’t found it yet.)  Most sites, blogs, digital magazines, etc. require the artist to pay to use their platform.  I understand and agree that there are some services that must be paid for - but we deserve a break!

I have spent thousands of dollars on monthly subscriptions for casting platforms and other sites to showcase my work.  We deserve an opportunity to make some money as well!  If a website is making money off of my work shouldn’t I receive a portion of that?  I think we should.  And what better way than to join forces, working together to showcase this work, representing ourselves and not somebody else? This is a site that I wished I had when I was eighteen and still now. A place where I felt protected, supported and safe.

This is the ultimate goal of Hussey Notes.  I envision this platform as one that funnels the revenue made back to the contributing artists.  There are a dozen other ideas that connect to this, but I shall divulge those in the future.  We’re going to start with this.  By sharing articles, connecting on the site, reading and responding; You as the “audience” are helping these women’s careers.  Over the past month I have been reaching out to creators around the world, talking and working with them.  Curating articles, editorials, stories.  I’ve dedicated my time to doing all I can to get this engine off the ground and to a revving start.  All in all - I’m so stoked on it and believe whole heartedly that this will be a huge benefactor to female innovators around the world.

Please feel free to share, ask questions, leave comments and engage with the artists!  Subscribe to Hussey Notes and be part of this wicked cool community.

And again, THANK YOU for taking the time to read this.

Much Love,


aka Mama Hussey

Profile No. 4: Zoe

Profile No. 4: Zoe

Invent Yourself

Invent Yourself