
Welcome to Hussey Notes. Here is how to navigate our site…

All things written can be found in “Editorials”. This includes articles about experiences in relationships, career and daily life as well as poems and stories. All types of pretty pictures in “Photography” and then a combo of “Film & Music”. Interviews are “Profiles”, check “Community” for announcements and “Calendar” of events. “Art” showcases collections by emerging and established artists.

Invent Yourself

Invent Yourself

Invent Yourself

a dance narrative

A short dance film inspired by the Charles Bukowski poem: Invent Yourself. Translated into the physical form of rehearsal and training in a dance studio. The exploration of body, space and energy. The consistent trial and error a dancer experiences in a studio while attempting to push their bodies to recreate what they see in their minds. The deflation of confidence, to be picked back up by sheer determination and belief in themselves that hides somewhere within their vessel.

Director: James Roddy @jamesroddyonset

Dancer: Olivia Buckle @oliviadeanne

Letter From The Editor...

Letter From The Editor...

Google is Giving Us Art!

Google is Giving Us Art!