
Welcome to Hussey Notes. Here is how to navigate our site…

All things written can be found in “Editorials”. This includes articles about experiences in relationships, career and daily life as well as poems and stories. All types of pretty pictures in “Photography” and then a combo of “Film & Music”. Interviews are “Profiles”, check “Community” for announcements and “Calendar” of events. “Art” showcases collections by emerging and established artists.

Connection to Mind & Nature

Connection to Mind & Nature

“Art is about sensations and feelings - and these come from the unknown brain through nature. The purpose of the work is to expand curiosity and unleash creativity through a combination of interesting topics that spark curiosity; combined with movement and fluidity to create a sensation of going inside the canvas and encountering oneself, and color to evoke strong emotion and passion in perceiving the natural world. Art is linked with the ability to open minds and break boundaries; thus, ideas are encouraged to be brought to life in my paintings. I also finds inspiration through studies of historical art around the world that have inspired humans for billions of years in making unique world-changing creations. I hold optimism that humans will continue to strive on becoming more empathetic towards each other’s religions, cultures, values, and personal relationships is linked to her artistic process, which comes also from deep passion for preserving the environment.”

Andrea Merinsky is a painter who lives in Florida, USA.

You can follow Andrea on instagram here, and learn more about her work here.

Horoscope Hour with Santi: LEO

Horoscope Hour with Santi: LEO

Profile No. 5: Lillian

Profile No. 5: Lillian