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All things written can be found in “Editorials”. This includes articles about experiences in relationships, career and daily life as well as poems and stories. All types of pretty pictures in “Photography” and then a combo of “Film & Music”. Interviews are “Profiles”, check “Community” for announcements and “Calendar” of events. “Art” showcases collections by emerging and established artists.

Reconstructing: Vogue Italia

Reconstructing: Vogue Italia

“Introduced to me by my elegant mother, my favourite magazine became, (and still is) Vogue Italia. My studious father, despite having a preference for the impressionists, introduced me to the surrealists and I have been mesmerized in the frames of their subconscious ever since. 

Imagining these collages are borne from a playdate between Franca Sozzani {Vogue Italia editor-in-chief}, René Magritte {surrealist artist} and myself: it’s cut-and-paste fun, not to be taken too seriously and yet deeply rewarding. In an evermore digital world, I enjoy the tactile process. As well as being surprised by a simple or saturated amount of imagery, that can be explored with curiosity to reveal an increasing amount of suggestive detail. Always a meaningful conversation starter, it’s fascinating to hear everyone’s varied interpretations and projections. Or my own with the passing of time, as I develop and change.  

My process involves flipping through the magazine with a theme in mind, cutting out any images from advertisements and stories that speak to me with relevance. I assemble them into a collage in an almost subconscious trance. Even while some themes hold darkness, the reconstruction is always done with child-like playfulness. These collages are essentially deconstructed stories, dreams and thought experiments. Repurposing a medium that could be considered materialist, consumerist and elitist (depending on the perception of the viewer of course) into a visual story of the human experience, exploring hidden corners of our minds.”

Feminine / Unconscious / Secret self / Morality / Boundaries and Freedom / Awake / Heat

Marta is a performance and visual artist from Italy residing in London, UK.

Follow Marta on instagram here and learn more on her website.

Happy Kanata Day, Eh'?

Happy Kanata Day, Eh'?

Inclusive Illustration

Inclusive Illustration