
Welcome to Hussey Notes. Here is how to navigate our site…

All things written can be found in “Editorials”. This includes articles about experiences in relationships, career and daily life as well as poems and stories. All types of pretty pictures in “Photography” and then a combo of “Film & Music”. Interviews are “Profiles”, check “Community” for announcements and “Calendar” of events. “Art” showcases collections by emerging and established artists.

A Quarantine Staycation.

A Quarantine Staycation.

Amidst a long winded quarantine in Eastern Canada, I decided to take a little vacation. To the backyard. In a tent trailer. A staycation, if you will. If we must stay at home, let’s live large at home. With luncheons, stories, and morning “brew”.

Creative Director, Subject, Photographers Assistant: Olivia Buckle

Photographer, Set Designer: the OG herself… Louise “Mama Murphy” Hussey.

Shot on a Digital Nikon from about 2003 found in the basement.


Good Morning Fellow Neighbours!

Our Little Hussey started her morning off by introducing herself to the neighbourhood. She only just arrived, and wanted to be one with her new community. So she tried one of the local “brews”. Molson Canadian? Here I am thinking morning brew meant coffee! I think I’ll like it here…

laundry time.

While her hair was setting, Little Hussey did her laundry. There just might be a socially distanced event to attend tonight! She always likes to look her best…

The late afternoon means teatime for Little Hussey and her friends. There’s nothing more classy than dressing up to discuss important topics such as equality, politics, the arts and ones most recent fling.

Tea Time.

You make an interesting point Mrs. Polar Bear…


Did you put gin in our tea again Mrs. Polar Bear?! You cheeky little bear…


Bed Time lovelies!

Before bedtime, Little Hussey likes to read a book to her travel companions. Mrs. Polar Bear, Murph, Foxy, Venus, Bun-Bun and Jonny enjoy “White Magic”; a book comprised of stories about women from long ago who had special powers!

Wait — Did you hear that?!

Joie De Vivre II

Joie De Vivre II

Joie De Vivre I

Joie De Vivre I