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Grown Ass Woman

Grown Ass Woman

Since being 22, the majority of my friends have been older than me.  I was always the baby in the group and my friends would make jokes like, "Of course you never played Pac Man you weren't even born yet." I get it, I'm young.  But through experiences and meeting so many different people in my industry and travels, I concluded that R. Kelly only ever said one accurate statement; Age ain't nothin' but a number. 

There are a lot of people out there who may be 36, but act like they are 21, yet use the age card as leverage when they really have no actions to justify it.  As a Hussey, I may be 27 but I am going on a single woman of 76.  I have lived nine lives like a damn cat and learned lessons from each one that has brought me into my next existence.  Needless to say my education is far from finished, but it rubs me the wrong way when someone assumes my thought process simply because of my age.  I know there are plenty of other young Hussies out there who will agree with me when I want to tell that said person, "I'm a grown ass woman, I know what I'm doing."

There seems to be two types of adults and it very well could be associated with either side of the brain.  The left side adult and the right side adult.  The left side adult has been paying taxes since they got their first job, already has their retirement fund sorted, probably owns either property or a car and doesn't impulse buy an Alexander McQueen scarf when day buzzed and thinking of the late great artist who printed it.  But what that adult may lack is the connection and self awareness of themselves as an emotional human being.  For example, I am a right side adult.  Taxes confuse me, I've moved cities and countries seven times in the past 18 months, my retirement fund is in the form of a mason jar filled with change and the scarf example is my reality.  But I am proud to say that I take risks with my life, have no regrets, my best friends live around the world and I do not play games with men in my relationships.  

I've often used the term Grown Ass Woman in scenarios of similar aged or older, logical adults looking down on me as if they need to guide me.  Or when an older man underestimates my potential because I'm young.  Do not coddle me, sir.  I be a grown ass woman that has made it this far.  I know whether or not my actions could stick or backfire, so stand aside and watch me work my magic.

So what constitutes being a Grown Ass Woman?  In my opinion, being unapologetic, taking charge of your life, staying open, honest, romantic and true to yourself, all the while not being afraid to embrace your physical self and take her around the world.  Encompassing your value as a force to be reckoned with.

Summer Diets

Summer Diets

Is Romance Dead?

Is Romance Dead?